
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Challenges and Strategies

Challenges                                                                                                     Strategies
Sharing Room:                                                                   Respect other people and treat them nice.

Trying new things:                                                                                  Follow instructions

Getting sick:                                                                                  Use something that can cure the sick.

Getting hurt:                                                                                    Listen and follow the instructions        

Getting lost:                                                                                    Stay with your team


For camp, I feel really worried about doing things by my own.  I’m afraid of getting sick, getting lost and getting hurt. I’m scared of doing things by my own without my parents and I am really nervous of the activities at camp because I’m not a type of person that can survive the wild and outdoor stuff.


I have an idea or a strategy to overcome my fears and my challenges. To overcome my fear, I need to listen well and follow the instructions. If I get hurt, I should stay with my team. I need to respect others and treat them in a nice way especially  as I will be sharing a room with them.I will try my best to get along well with others.  When I try use these strategies, I am sure that I will be safe and I will feel less worried.


The MERC or Marine Education and Recreation Centre is located in Long Bay Beach in Auckland. It is a good place for children to work and do outdoor activities together. It’s purpose is to show children so that they can learn and experience lots of things that you do not learn in the classroom. At MERC, children do challenges, activities and survival skills.

MERC’s Beginning
In 1980 a group of yachtsmen and teachers are working on the site of what are they are gonna do with it. Takapuna City Council designated the area and had an idea. When the council found the area, they saw scraps of machinery, debris and foundations from the early building. Before then, the place use to be a store with petrol pumps in 1920 but it was demolished in 1950. In 1990 they finally made up their mind on what are there gonna do. They started to make a site for children that they can experience but they don’t have enough money, so they fundraise it. In 1992 they have enough money to build everything. They started making rooms, kitchens, courses and challenges for children. After that the schools went to MERC and they experienced it.

Monday 29 June 2015

Camp Graph

Screenshot 2015-06-29 at 12.45.48 PM.png
I know I can do this when I can roll the die to show how many numbers of people vote they were.

Friday 26 June 2015

Trust Exercise

26 March
The Trust Challenge
In preparation for our the end of the term outdoor trip, students were set with a class challenge. People are numbered by 2 they are suppose to be blind and when the people that are number 1 they will guide the people are number 2 from the front gate.

Once we led your partner from the front gate, the number 1 will swap to number 2. Our next challenge is to guide the 1 that is blinded back to class. You're not allowed to go to car parks, playgrounds and restricted places. When we gone back to your class we saw our class a mess, but it was another challenge.

The challenge is to lead your partner to the exit when your blind. You tell your partner to move things, move into directions and do stuff like that. When we got in the exit we went to morning tea.

Thursday 18 June 2015


Yesterday we contructed a tripod to prepear our camp. What you need is a long string and 3 sticks. Then what you have to do is to tie a string around a stick 6 times.

Next you weave the string around the 3 sticks six times. Once you woven the string, you can make the sticks stand up. If it doesn't stand up properly you will have to put more string on the top so it could stay firm.

After you've finished doing that, you test it to see if it's good enough to hold weight. You grab another string and grab something that is heavy like a stick. In my group we made a small tripod but it is good enough. But we made a cool one.We didn't test it, but we worked as a team.